The Beast Offense is a book that took over a year of preparation and work to stamp out. This offense utilizes a “Beast Back” that can be used in so many amazing and flexible ways. It’s available as an automatic downloadable eBook. The Beast Offense for 8Man Football has over 40 detailed diagrams of Basic Beast Plays, Counters, and Play-Action Plays.
There are many advantages to utilizing the Beast in 8Man Offensive schemes. The Beast Back can be used as a pulling blocker, to trap, delay routes, a great option for RPO plays, and to pick up blitzes.
Also included in this book is a playbook section called “The Hulk.” This section was added to the book for free and details an offense that utilizes two Beast type backs.

The Beast Offense is now included in its entirety with a subscription to the 8man Database 1.0